So, Northern Ireland is back under a mini-lockdown circuit breaker. Face-to-face classes have stopped, gyms are only allowing individual workouts and many people have their kids at home during the day again for the extended mid-term so it might be harder than usual to get your daily exercise in.
Right back at the start of the lockdown in spring we moved our classes online. We stayed online and didn't go back to face-to-face - not because of some amazing 20/20 foresight - rather the environment didn't seem right yet and also because the online classes have been doing so well!
Understandably, many people will be bitterly disappointed they can't get back to normal life yet. Everyone saying we have to get used to a 'new normal' doesn't exactly help when you were just getting used to being back at your group training class or escaping for a yoga session with your friends. Having this taken away again - even if we are promised it is only for a short time - can be upsetting, confusing and frustrating.
So, online classes are certainly one way to keep active but not everyone feels this is for them. My first advice is try them first before saying they aren't for you! If you had asked me last year if I would have wanted to do online classes as an instructor I would have answered emphatically no! Surely the connection with clients would be lost. Surely I wouldn't be able to see, to correct, to engage, to motivate.
But that's not what I've found. In fact, I have had many new clients trying classes like Pilates or my own Total Body Workout class, or FitSteps, that have never been to classes with me before. I am finding clients are loving the convenience of being able to do their classes without leaving the house and worrying about childcare. Knowing you can pitch up for a class (in your own living room) and then immediately go about the rest of your evening has been a big plus for many clients!
From a mental health perspective, classes at home when we are unable to do face to face classes has been a major help for many clients - and indeed for myself. Knowing that there were clients to meet at a certain time each week kept me motivated and engaged. Clients tell me they have looked forward to our classes and have enjoyed the social aspect - even through they are online.
But what other options do we have this time around? With the circuit breaker we aren't in full lockdown, so we can venture a bit further from our homes than we could last time, although the weather might not be just as nice as it was in April!
My second piece of advice: Think longterm. This might (just might) need to go on longer than we thought. It might also be something we have to learn to live with on and off over the next months/years. Wishing it wasn't so won't make it be so! What can you start now that you can carry on with? Here are some suggestions to get you going this autumn at home!
Give running a go and try Couch to 5k:
I would happily design a personalised couch to 5k training programme for you but there are some really excellent free plans available! If you are really very unfit and have been doing no exercise at all for a long time, or you have any underlying health conditions, if might be best to contact me for a personalised plan but otherwise consider a free app/podcasts to get you started.
NHS C25K Podcast
This podcast is excellent as it will get you jogging short controlled bursts in week 1 up to 30 mins/5k non stop by week 9. This podcast option is in my mind the best way to get started with running. You don't get to choose your music in the podcast but you can easily progress to the app mentioned below which follows the same plan once you are under way.
NHS/BBC C25k App
This is the same plan as the podcast above and allows you to choose your own music. It tells you when to run and when to walk and gives your supporting information about how much longer you have to run once you are in the more advanced weeks.
Think beyond cardio and embrace the resistance!
Cardiovascular fitness is vitally important but so too is working all of the muscles in our bodies! Building muscular endurance, maintaining functional fitness and building/maintaining muscular strength should also be an important part of your health and fitness plan. This can be harder to achieve on your own, so use your friendly local fitness instructor (me!) to help you as we know what equipment to use, how to use equipment safely and effectively and how to plan an exercise regime to get maximum benefits.
Online personal training, group circuit training or a multi-fitness exercise class is one way to get your fitness on to the next level and have a look at my new schedule or contact me for personal training options - but what equipment do you need to do this?
Local fitness retailer Podium 4 Sport (or try Amazon or Argos) have lots of good quality equipment you can use for home workouts. My recommendation would be to get a pair or two of dumbbells (for example, 2kgs and 3kgs) for around £12 a pair or to consider a set of plates and barbell (£79.99) which is very versatile and will be a great investment in your fitness.
And a mat. Definitely get a Pilates mat! And maybe even consider a step... Ooooh! Christmas list time!!!
For a total beginner you might have items you can use at home without buying things. 1 litre of liquid is approximately 1kg so you can easily make light hand weights using bottles of water or the trusty back up of a tin of beans (less than 0.5kg so not likely to make major changes to your muscles!). However, if you want to go a little heavier household items become difficult to hold safely and aren't designed to be held the way we need to hold them for exercising effectively.
However, knowing what to do with this equipment is vitally important and I highly recommend (think urge you, please!!!) to not embark on putting together your own plan as it might be a recipe for disaster.
Oh, and keep that kettlebell as a door stop. I hate those damn things...
So, try and think about things longer term. Invest in some equipment or look at expanding your fitness options beyond your living room to make sure you get through the autumn/winter feeling stronger, healthier and better prepared for 2021!