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How to keep active when stuck at home!

Writer: Susan McCall Susan McCall

We all know what it’s like to have lots of good intentions to keep fit and active at home at 8am - but by 3pm you are on your second Netflix film and have been staring at TikTok, Facebook or Instagram for so long that you might take root on the sofa! So what can you do to keep active if you are stuck at home during Covid-19?

  1. Try to get some outdoors exercise. If you are not socially isolating, spending time outdoors can be be good for your mental - as well as physical health. If you can do so safely and by respecting social distancing requirements then taking physical activity outside can help you feel well in every way.

  2. Break the day up with some stretches or marching on the spot if you have been sitting for a long period of time. You are probably moving less than normal if you are stuck at home so a few stretches and some marching on the spot can make you feel energised.

  3. Make a list of jobs around the house you have been putting off and try and tackle one or two a week. How about that cupboard under the stairs? What about sorting through your wardrobe? Activity like this might not count as ‘exercise’ but it does mean you are keeping moving and not sitting around! And a tidy wardrobe can be very satisfying!

  4. Try online, live-streamed versions of your favourite classes. If you are used to group fitness in the outside world then moving online for your favourite class is one way to keep socially involved as well as keeping active. I run FREE FitSteps classes every week where with 2-way video where I can see clients as well as them seeing me, but we also make sure we have some chat at the start and end of each class to catch up.

  5. Keeping active at home doesn’t mean you have to try Tabata or HIIT for the first time! If you are new to exercise or need a lower form of activity due to injury or medical conditions, even doing 10 minutes of activity 3 times a day will help your heart and keep you motivated. Try bopping along to the radio while making dinner or marching on the spot through each ad break on TV. This will help you get active without the need to buy an exercise bike for the living room.

  6. Try some new online exercise classes! So you’ve always wanted to try Pilates but just couldn’t make time before the lockdown? Well now you can do a full 6 week beginners course or personal one-to-one classes without having to travel, park, traipse into class or smell other people’s feet!

  7. If you have kids around the house, get them to plan their PE session. Joe Wicks might think he has this covered for the nation, but the kids know a thing or two themselves! Join in with the fun and give their obstacle course around the flower pot, under the table and over the line of teddy bears a go! Or get the grandkids to email through their plan and record yourself doing it for them to laugh at later!

  8. Organise a Friday night disco - at home! No need for taxis at 1am! No need to even put on heels or your best clothes! No need to suffer someone else’s idea of good dancing music! Stick on your own playlists, wear your jammies if you want to and just get on down! For extra fun do it through a FaceTime call with family or friends!

  9. Try some on-demand classes for free! I have been creating a bank of exercise classes and dance tutorials online through FREE membership of my website which gives you unlimited access to exclusive content! Sign up now to access everything!

  10. Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t running a marathon in the back garden or mastering a headstand while putting on a jumper at home. Keep doing a little bit of something if that’s all you can manage. Keep socially connected where you can and know that us fitness professionals will be there to help you back to where you need to be once this is all over!



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