If you’ve ever taken a Pilates class with me, you’ll know about my love of shoulder bridge! It is an excellent exercise with which to start your day! Let’s take a look at it in more detail.
The main muscles used to perform the shoulder bridge are the gluteus maximus (bum) and hamstrings (back of thigh) with stabilising support from your pelvic floor, abdominal belt (transverses abdominis) and muscles of the spine.
To perform a basic shoulder bridge, start by lying on your back with bent legs and feet flat on the mat. By pressing up through your feet, lift your bum off the mat, raising the front of the hips towards the ceiling, supporting your upper body at the shoulders (not neck). At the top of the move, you should have the front side of your body like a ‘ski slope’ from kneecap to neck.
This exercise is a fantastic way to strengthen the legs, bum, back and even the abdomen. Many will feel a stretch of the quadriceps (front of thigh) from kneecap into the hip crease. It can also help to both ease and prevent pain in the lower back, as well as hips and knees, by strengthening the muscles and improving flexibility and mobility around these joints.
This exercise is of benefit to everyone - particularly those that spend a lot of time sitting. It can also be helpful to help build strength in the lower body if squats/lunges etc cause difficulty due to knee or lower back pain.
Here are some safety and exercise points! Never have anything under your head/neck when performing this exercise - other than your flat Pilates mat. Keep your upper body steady by only going as high as your shoulder blades - never onto the neck. Don't let your knees buckle outwards or roll onto the outside edge of your feet when your hips are off the mat.
If you would like further information on this exercise, Pilates in general, wish to improve your fitness or get help to manage a chronic medical condition contact me on suspirefitness@gmail.com.